In the mid-1980s, a Korean-American family moves to a small Arkansas farm in search of the American dream. The family home is completely changed by the arrival of the cunning, foul-mouthed but incredibly loving grandmother. Faced with the instability and challenges of this new life, each member of the family will discover that their unconditional bond is the strength they need to move forward.
Chung grew up on a small farm in rural Arkansas and then attended Yale University, majoring in Ecology. During his senior year, Chung dropped his plans for medical school and turned to filmmaking. He studied film at the University of Utah, earning his MFA in 2004. His first film, 'Munyurangabo', premiered at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival to great acclaim. Variety called the film 'an astonishing and thoroughly masterful debut'. His second film, 'Lucky Life', was developed at the Cinefondation at the Cannes Film Festival and premiered at the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival and 2010 Torino Film Festival.
''Minari. Historia de mi familia'' (2020) / ''Abigail Harm'' (2012) / ''Lucky Life'' (2010) / ''Munyurangabo'' (2007) / ''Los coyotes'' (2005) / ''Sex and Coffe'' (2005) / ''Highway'' (2004)
Nominado a Mejor Película de Habla no Inglesa y Mejor Director por ''Minari. Historia de mi familia'', Premios BAFTA (UK) 2021 / Nominado a Mejor Guion Original y Mejor Dirección por ''Minari. Historia de mi familia'', Academy Awards OSCARS (USA) 2021 / Gran Premio del Jurado y Premio del Público por ''Minari. Historia de mi familia'', Festival de Sundance (USA) 2020 / Nominado a ''Un Certain Regard Award'' y ''Golden Camera'' por ''Munyurangabo'', Festival de Cannes (Francia) 2007