Once, the princess fell in love with a bandit...
Mikhail Aldashin was born in 1958. He is a writer and director, known for 'Bichos' (2002)
''Printsessa y Bandit'' (2020) / ''Animatango'' (2017) / ''Bolshoy drug'' (2015) / ''Bichos'' (2002) / ''Skorstensspöket och andra läskigheter'' (1999) / ''Rozhdestvo'' (1997) / ''Drugaya storona'' (1994) / The Hunter'' (1991) / ''Poumse'' (1990) / ''Kele'' (1988)
Premio del Público por ''Bukashki'', Annecy International Animated Film Festival (Francia) 2002
Mariya Sosnina is a director and writer, known for 'Pro Menya' (2005).
''Printsessa y Bandit'' (2020) / ''Pro Menya'' (2005)