Year 2024. Humanity continues in its fight against the Coronavirus. Countries in chaos, economies broken. However, a young Doctor of Molecular Biology, Doctor Dickinson, is about to change the destiny of humanity forever.
Devoted to about cinema, illustration and, above all, animation. Trained at the Alicante School of Art as an Illustrator, and at the Vigo EISV as a Film and TV Filmmaker. His career as a short filmmaker is defined by his own style both in animation and in stories. He does himself the script, the animation, character design and subtitles in all his short films. Some of his films has been shortlisted at featured festivals like The Festival de Cine de Málaga, The Notodofilm Festival and The FIBAC achieving some awards.
''La increíble vacuna del Dr. Dickinson'' (2020) / ''La importancia de llamarse Amancio'' (2018) / ''Tetas'' (2017) / ''Best Seller'' (2016) / ''PopCorn'' (2015)